Right Honourable David Johnston
Former Governor General of Canada, 2010 – 2017 and Chair, Rideau Hall Foundation
” 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award “
June 12, 2018

Canadian Club Toronto is proud to present the 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award to The Right Honourable David Johnston – an award that celebrates the lifelong efforts and leadership of extraordinary Canadians.
An accomplished academic and professor, Mr. Johnston has made a career of loving and serving Canada. From his time as the 28th Governor General, to his creation of the Rideau Hall Foundation, he has earned the trust and respect of Canadians and the world as he uses his platform to give voice to issues he’s passionate about, such as Indigenous issues and the environment.
Join us in conversation with his daughter, CBC/Radio Canada’s Alex Johnston, as they reflect on his illustrious career and discuss what’s next for Mr. Johnston and Canada.
The Right Honourable David Johnston
Governor General of Canada, 2010-2017
Chair of Rideau Hall Foundation
The Right Honourable David Johnston was Canada’s 28th governor general. During his mandate, he established the Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF), a registered charity that supports and amplifies the Office of the Governor General in its work to connect, honour and inspire Canadians. Today, he is actively involved as Chair of the RHF Board of Directors, and serves as an Executive Advisor at Deloitte. Prior to his installation as governor general, Mr. Johnston was a professor of law for over 30 years, and served as President of the University of Waterloo from 1999 to 2010. He was president of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada and of the Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec. He was the founding chair of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy and chaired the federal government’s Information Highway Advisory Council. He has served on many provincial and federal task forces and committees, and has served on the boards of a number of public companies.
Alex Johnston
Vice-President, Strategy and Public Affairs, CBC
Alex Johnston was appointed to the position of Vice-President, Strategy and Public Affairs on January 29, 2016.
In her role as Vice-President, Ms. Johnston’s mandate is to continue shaping and implementing the Corporation’s strategic direction. Ms. Johnston oversees Enterprise Strategy, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs, Public Affairs and Enterprise Communications.
Prior to working at CBC/Radio-Canada, Ms. Johnston led Catalyst Canada as the Executive Director, responsible for growing Catalyst’s impact in Canada. Ms. Johnston is a long-time advocate for women, in particular accelerating women’s progress through inclusion in the workforce.
Before working at Catalyst, Ms. Johnston practiced corporate law at Goodmans LLP. In 2003, she worked in the office of former Premier, Dalton McGuinty, as Executive Director of Policy where she worked closely with policy, community and business leaders, and senior members of government to develop, implement and communicate the Government’s agenda.
Ms. Johnston sits on the board of directors for Desjardins General Insurance Group, on the board of trustees for the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, and on the advisory board for the Women’s College Hospital Institute for Health Systems Solutions and Virtual Care.
Ms. Johnston holds a BA, LLB and BCL from McGill University.
She is based in Toronto with her husband and three young children.
Listen to the audio below: