Kristyn Wong-Tam, City Councillor, Ward 27 – Photo by Mohammed Khan
Innovative Yonge Love consultation provides vision of wider sidewalks, more events, public space
Nov. 18, 2015 – Toronto, ON
A desire for human-scale, walkable neighbourhoods is one of the key findings of an unprecedented consultation about Yonge Street.
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Commissioned by the Downtown Yonge BIA, the Yonge Love consultation compiled more than 2,000 responses through an innovative and interactive mix of original video, editorial content, social media and street-level engagement.
“What this tells us is that Yonge Street is still very much Toronto’s main street,” said Downtown Yonge
BIA Executive Director Mark Garner. “As Yonge Street revitalization moves ahead in the next few years, the Yonge Love views will help shape the vision for this iconic public space.”
Analysis of the comments received through the Yonge Love engagement generated more than 3,500 ideas. What emerged was a clear picture of how people feel about Yonge Street, and what they would like to see as future improvements.
Predominant among the comments was a strong desire for a more pedestrian and walking-focused approach to future Yonge Street development, with wider sidewalks, less – and sometimes no – vehicular traffic, and more greenery.
“It was overwhelmingly clear from the comments that people, not cars, should be the main focus on Yonge,” Garner said. “At the same time, we recognize that we need to take a holistic approach. If, for example, we opt for wider sidewalks and less space for motorists, we need to ensure that other arteries in the area are well-equipped to handle the extra vehicles.”
Other Yonge Love highlights include an emphasis on cultural programming, to create a fun and vibrant atmosphere, with more events and festivals, healthy nightlife, around-the-clock engagement and socializing, more street performances, increased food and entertainment options, and additional public art.
“Torontonians clearly have high hopes for Yonge Street as an arts and culture hub,” Garner said.
The Yonge Love Report will be used to guide the Downtown Yonge BIA’s advocacy work, and help set priorities, Garner explained.
“This is a chance to shape the evolution of Canada’s most iconic street, to revitalize a historic cultural centre, and show the world a neighbourhood that truly captures the spirit, vibrancy and experience of Toronto,” he said.
The Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area (DYBIA) is a catalyst for creating vibrant urban experiences and events in the heart of downtown Toronto. Representing more than 2,000 businesses and their employees, as well as the broader community of residents, students and visitors, the DYBIA champions attractive public spaces, popular events, safety and cleanliness. It plays an active role both at street level and in boardrooms, advocating for a thriving and diverse community of retailers, restaurants and services.